Nursing Home

“Multipurpose Hospital since 1991 with 3 generations of doctors helping build healthcare facilities and provide best possible care to people. laparoscopic and general surgeons, physicians, gynaecologists and paediatricians in Bikaner.”


Gaurav Path, Pawan Puri, Sardar Patel Colony, Bikaner, Rajasthan 334003

Ph. 0151-2241578
98292-17951 (WhatsApp)

Our Services

We pride ourselves on offering a wide range of services designed for both patients and their families, ensuring comprehensive care. From medical treatments to emotional support, we’re dedicated towards meeting all your healthcare needs under one roof. Explore our services to discover how we can support you and your loved ones.

General and Laparoscopic surgeries

Using advanced laparoscopic technology for uterus, gall bladder, renal stone, appendix, hernia, prostate, ovarian cyst, tube surgeries

Physician Services

Our experienced physicians provide personalized care and treatment. From general health issues to complex conditions, like BP, sugar, asthama etc. We are committed to improving your health in every situation.

Normal and complicated deliveries

Our expert team is equipped to manage both routine and intricate deliveries with utmost care and precision, ensuring the safety and well-being of both mother and child.

Infertility management

We can offer a range of medical and lifestyle interventions aimed at helping couples achieve their dream of parenthood through comprehensive evaluation and personalized treatment plans.

Non descent vaginal hysterectomy

Our hospital offers non-descent Vaginal Hysterectomy, a minimally invasive procedure for uterus removal without abdominal incisions.

Pathology Lab and Sonology

No need to wander around for diagnostic tests. We offer comprehensive Pathology Lab and Sonology services, delivering accurate diagnostics and thorough assessments.

Pediatric Services

Our dedicated pediatric team offers compassionate and specialized care for children of all ages. From routine check-ups to complex medical conditions, we ensure your child's health and well-being with the utmost commitment.

Physiotherapy and Yoga classes

From rehabilitation to pain management, we specialize in restoring mobility and enhancing your overall well-being.

Experience the journey of motherhood with our tailored pre-natal and post-natal yoga classes, designed to support and strengthen both body and mind during this transformative time.


  • दूरबीन द्वारा पित्त की थैली में पत्थरी, गुर्दे में पत्थरी, पेशाब की थैली में पत्थरी, पुरुष नसबंदी, अपेंडिक्स हर्निया हाइड्रोसील व प्रोस्टेट के समस्त ऑपरेशन
  • दूरबीन द्वारा (TLH) और बिना चीरा (NDVH) बच्चेदानी निकालने का ऑपरेशन
  • दूरबीन द्वारा बच्चेदानी की जांच एवं इलाज (diagnostic hysteroscopy & laparoscopy)
  • दूरबीन द्वारा Ectopic pregnancy और अंडकोष की गाँठ का ऑपरेशन (Ovarian Tumor) और महिला नसबंदी</ul?
  • ठंडी मशीन द्वारा मस्से का इलाज और क्षारसूत्र द्वारा फिस्टुला का ऑपरेशन
  • निःसंतानता की जांच और इलाज
  • नॉर्मल डिलीवरी, vaccum डिलीवरी एवं सीजेरियन डिलीवरी
  • सभी प्रकार की जाँचें (पैथोलॉजी, X-ray, सोनोग्राफी, हार्मोन्स के टेस्ट )
  • नर्सरी एवं फोटोथेरपी

Known for our expertise. Chosen for our care

Mediclaim partnerships

Well-trained doctors, Multiple specialties, Complete Family Care

Dr. A.P. Wahal


General and laparoscopic surgeon

30 years experience

Dr. Deepti Wahal


Obstetrics and gynaecology

30 years experience

Dr. Deepa Khatri


Obstetrics and gynaecology

25 years experience

Dr. Kapila Swami



25 years experience

Dr. O.P. Suthar


General Physician

30 years experience

Dr. R.C. Sharma



30 years experience

Dr. Lokesh Arora



25 years experience

The Hassle-proof Process


Visit us with any medical requirement

Fill up an OPD slip and wait in the chamber.


Discuss your medical condition and get your diagnosis done

Our team of doctors will understand your case and get any tests done to be sure of the treatment,


Get your prescription

The doctor would prescribe medicines and further line of treatment keeping in mind all aspects.


Free first Follow-ups as needed

Of course any number of follow-ups are welcome but we offer free first post-op and post-natal visit

Our Patients are Happy & Healthy

बीकानेर नर्सिंग होम ने मेरी पित्त की थैली का ऑपरेशन दूरबीन पद्दति से किया। यहाँ के डॉक्टर्स और स्टाफ ने मेरे सभी सवालों का जवाब दिया और मुझे सही सलाह दी। मैं उनकी उत्कृष्ट सेवाओं के लिए बहुत आभारी हूँ।


बीकानेर नर्सिंग होम में मेरा अनुभव बहुत अच्छा रहा। मेरी गर्भावस्था के दौरान उन्होंने मुझे हमेशा समर्थन और ध्यान दिया। यहां की प्रेग्नेंसी योगा क्लासेस ने मुझे फिट और शांत रहने में मदद की। उनकी मांओं की सेहत का ख्याल रखने की प्रतिबद्धता काबिल-ए-तारीफ है।


मैं बीकानेर नर्सिंग होम के अपने अनुभव से बहुत खुश हूं। मेरी गर्भावस्था काफी जटिल थी, लेकिन वहां के स्टाफ ने मुझे पूरा सहयोग और देखभाल दी। उनकी विशेषज्ञता और संवेदनशीलता ने मुझे आत्मविश्वास दिया और मेरी तथा मेरे बच्चे की सेहत का ख्याल रखा। मैं हमेशा उनकी सराहना करूंगी और उनके प्रति आभारी रहूंगी।

Suman rani

we’re here to all your questions

Yes, our hospital does offer mediclaim facilities. Feel free to inquire further or proceed with your requirements.

Yes, we do have a in-house path lab for all tests and we offer sonology tests for complete diagnosis of our patients.

Yes, BNH has a nursery available for delicate care of the small babies.

Yes, we can proudly claim we are the one of the few hospitals who offer evening consultation as well.

Ready to Visit Us?

Dr. A.P. Wahal

Director of the hospital a visionary, he is one of the first surgeons to start laparoscopic surgery in Bikaner and has become the best laparoscopic and general surgeon providing exceptional care in renal, abdominal and GIT care.

Dr. Deepti Wahal

Second generation Gynaecologist and obstetrician in Bikaner. With experience in complicated deliveries and successful IVF she is undoubtedly the best gynaecologist in Bikaner. With more than 1000 of deliveries she was awarded the Best Gynaecologist by Dr Shashi Tharoor.

Dr. Deepa Khatri

Dr Deepa is the best gynaecologist in Bikaner with an experience of more than 25 years. She has delivered some of the most complicated cases and the trust patients have with her is exceptional. She is well trained in laparoscopic gynaecology and has one of the lowest complication rates in Bikaner.

Dr. Kapila Swami

Rare is to find a soft spoken and loved paediatrician by both parents and children. Child care is her passion for last 30 years which has made her the best paediatrician in Bikaner and nearby cities. Dr Kapila is the reason for a highly successful paediatrics department in the hospital.

Dr. O.P. Suthar

MD in internal medicine from SPMC Bikaner in 1989.
Work As SR in St Stephens Hospital, Delhi
Worked as specialist in Rajasthan Government for 31 years( 1990-2021)
Achieve State level n District level award of best clinician Retired as Principal Specialist from department of medical and health services Rajasthan

Dr. R.C. Sharma

The vast experience he brings as a teacher and a practitioner of radiology is phenomenal. He is undoubtedly the best radiologist in Bikaner and in fact the number of secondary ultrasounds done by Dr Sharma for complicated and confusing case is most by any radiologist. Most gynaecologist refer their complicated cases for him.

Dr. Lokesh Arora

Doctor with a passion for patient care and excellence, he is one of the best anesthetist in Bikaner. Hand surgery and all the different blocks are done so that the patient enjoys a pain free postoperative period. He is definitely and asset to the hospital.

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